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Thursday, November 20, 2014


Softball Conditioning
Flexibility training
increases running speed

Coach Marc Dagenais
by Coach Marc Dagenais 
from the Softball Performance website 
(also Facebook page and Twitter postings)

Softball is sport of speed and power. Anything you can do to increase these two very important physical qualities will improve your game and make you a more dominant player.

We've always thought that stretching was important to prevent injuries but it also improves running speed.

The results of a recent study that was looking at influence of flexibility training on running speed is now confirming it.

Sophomore #18 C/3B Nina Marcano (Middletown, DE) 
led the Wesley Wolverines last season 
with 10 stolen bases. Here she swipes 
second against the Salisbury Sea Gulls.
Sustained and regular flexibility training for the muscles around the hip and the knee joints (glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, quadriceps, calves, low back, etc.) increases range of motion around the hip and knee joints.

This increased range of motion improves stride length and overall running mechanics. Running speed is directly influenced by two factors: stride length and stride frequency.

Wesley Assistant Athletic Trainer Jessica Gaburo 
works stretching exercises with Wolverine junior 
#25 1B Samantha Mahoski (Schenectady, NY).
So, if you improve either one, you'll run faster!

You should always take a few minutes after a workout, practice or a game to stretch. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds (up to 60 seconds) at a mild point of tension. Repeat for tight muscles. Focus on the lower body muscles to increase your running speed. You should stretch at least 3 times a week to see significant results.

You have now one more reason to stretch regularly - to run faster!

Source: Caplan, N, Rogers, R, Parr, MK, and Hayes, PR. The effect of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation and static stretch training on running mechanics. J Strength Cond Res. 2009 Jul;23(4):1175-80.